The Hare’s Tale

Our Hares? They’re here, there and everywhere.

You’ve probably seen these cheeky characters on your journeys with us, but have you ever wondered why? Let us tell you the story behind our shiny red hares…

The brown hare, with its characteristic long, black tipped ears, is a very familiar sight in East Anglia. In fact our region is known as one of the most populated areas in the country for this magnificent breed.

More than just being one of our most popular locals, the hare is also the UK’s fastest land animal and can often be spotted racing at top speeds across the flat fields - much like our trains!

Our red hares love dashing across Greater Anglia and in and out of London. From getting culture fixes in the city to building sand castles at the beach, they know hopping onboard is the quickest way to adventure. Where will you spot one next?

Red Bard Hare

Hare in the city of London
Hare on a lawn
Hare in front of a museum

Hare eating pop corn and watching a film at the cinema
Hare with a coffee outside a coffee shop
Hare at the beach in front of beach huts

Hares at a marina on a yacht
Hare looking through a Christmas wreath
Hare on a canal boat by a bridge