Service Quality

Service Quality Report

Our Service Quality Report gives you an overview of several key processes we have in place to improve our service quality.

How we're improving our service

As part of our commitment to providing exemplary customer service, independent auditors conduct Service Quality Regime (SQR) audits on our trains, at our stations and on our website and social media platforms.

These audits consider the facilities available to you (e.g. how clean our trains and stations are) and your interactions with our colleagues (e.g. how good our customer service is).

How we're doing

Every four weeks, we update this page with our latest SQR results below. We compare our scores alongside the benchmarks the Department for Transport set to help us focus on areas that need improvement to enhance your experience with us.

Updated 28 June 2024.

Service Quality AreaBenchmark 24/25Period 1: 1 to 27 April 2024Period 2: 28 April to 25 May 2024Period 3: 26 May to 22 June 2024
Station Ambience & Assets80%85.49%83.92%82.59%
Station Cleanliness & Graffiti83%89.63%82.85%87.59%
Station Information86%90.78%87.92%89.26%
Station Ticketing & Staffing84%89.64%96.88%88.50%
Train Ambience & Assets90%92.07%91.63%92.80%
Train Cleanliness & Graffiti87%95.09%90.94%93.77%
Train Information92%95.84%96.71%97.27%
Customer Service: Staff Helpfulness92%96.59%97.73%94.32%
Customer Service: Online Information92%100.00%100.00%100.00%

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