MP Robert Halfon to visit Roydon rail station to view improvements

Published on: Wednesday, 11 May 2016
Last updated: Wednesday, 5 October 2016

Local MP RobertHalfon will visit Roydon rail station to view improvements carried out by trainoperator, Abellio Greater Anglia.

Mr Halfon will meetrepresentatives of Abellio Greater Anglia at 2pm on Friday 13th Mayto find out about the project to upgrade the platforms and waiting room and installa new Ticket Vending Machine (TVM), customer information screens and CCTV.

Rail passengers arenow benefiting from improvements to the station, which include:

Platform 1:

  • Reconstruction of the platform

  • Installation of a modern waiting room, replacing the existing ticketoffice

  • Repairs to riser wall

  • Replacement of copers (edgingslabs) on the approach to the platform

  • Drainage improvements

  • Installation of CCTV

  • Installation of a new TVM

  • New Customer information screens (CIS)

  • An upgraded PA system

  • New platform lighting

Platform 2:

  • Installation of a TVM (relocated from platform 1)

  • Installation of CCTV

  • New Customer information screens (CIS)

  • An upgraded PA system

Tenadditional cycle hoops are about to be installed to increase cycle parkingcapacity at the station.

RobertHalfon commented: “I'm delighted that Abellio has made much needed refurbishmentsto Roydon station. This investment will hopefully ensure our railway station isequipped for many years to come and make for a more comfortable and safercommute for Roydon residents.”

Abellio Greater Anglia’s Area CustomerService Manager, Kevin Walton, said, “This is a significantupgrade to Roydon station which has resulted in an improved ambience and more pleasantstation environment for our customers. Abellio Greater Anglia is committed toupgrading stations across the network to make our customers’ journeys better.We would like to thank customers for their patience while this work was carriedout.”